CONE Meeting Reminder List

Updated 01/12/98

NEW! See our collection of email Notices @
Send calandar information to CONE at:

This calendar is provided as a public service by CONE, an organization dedicated to helping individuals and groups in the use of computers by providing and sharing information and support between computer users, computer groups, educational organizations and businesses.
This list is frequently updated at and is sent out to the CONE mailing list (and others) from time to time. This list is now mirrored at

Nearly all of this information was obtained from web pages listed in the CONE User Group / SIG List. More details of these groups can be found in this SIG list. If you are reading this calendar on the CONE web page, most listings will have hyperlinks to the original source of the information.

CONE User Group / SIG List: which is mirrored at

Do your own search Here's my sources of info.
View our previous lists (experimental)

User Group events:

January 13, 1998
Boston Network UG (BNUG) "Netware Application Launcher", 7PM, Novell, Wellesley
NH Seacoast Mac "How to Design Your Own Web Page" 7 PM, Rye JHS
NESOFTDEV Monthly Meeting 6:00-8:30PM Cafeteria at Prospect Place, Waltham 
Boston Voice Users Group, "Moderated Q&A Session", 7:30PM, MIT 1-242 

January 14, 1998
Front Page & Inet Dev UG, "FrontPage-98 client-side goodies", @MSFT 5:30
Joint meeting with the Internet Developers User Group
Software Quality Group, 6:15PM, Waterfield Techn. Group, Lexington
January 14
Lotus Notes User Group: Domino 4.6 Admin. Tool and Development techniques

January 15, 1998
GBC/ACM "Taming the WWW: Measurements to Protocol Design" 7PM, BBN Cambridge
Boston Virtual Reality Group meeting, 7:00PM, MIT E15-095 (mail list)
Microsoft Office "take advantage of binders" 7 PM @ MSFT (mail list)

January 19, 1998
Yankee Computer Society Active X Developers SIG, Bedford NH
Delphi Developers Group, "Product Dev w/ Homesite-HTML" 7 PM, Burlington
Visual Basic Learning Grp "VB5 for Web Development" 7 PM @ MSFT (mail list)

January 20, 1998
Boston Web Tech "Sybase/Powersoft: PowerJ, Jaguar CTS, Powersite tools" 7pm Waltham
Arlington Seniors Group, 1-3pm
Boston OMNIS Users Group, monthly meeting, 5:00PM, Kendall Square

January 21, 1998
MacTechGrp Meeting  "TBA"  @ MIT E51-395. (From
Microsoft Access Users Group monthly meeting, 9:00AM, @MSFT Waltham
Boston Webmasters Guild "Web Design Contracts" 7 PM, MIT 6-120 (mail list)

January 22, 1998
Boston ISIG "Digital Signatures and E-commerce" 7:00pm MIT 6-120

January 26, 1998
Boston Windows 95 Group, "Outlook Express & Front Page '98", 7:00 PM, @MSFT
RI Mac Users, "DB Management: Filemaker Pro 4.0", 7:00PM, Brown Univ

January 27, 1998
CONE "How to Purchase a Computer" @ Computer Escape, Randolph
Software Assn of NH Software Engineering & Quality SIG, Nashua
Windows Developers Group "ODBC Database App Using MFC" 6:30PM, @MSFT Waltham

January 28, 1998
Yankee Computer Society VB/Access SIG, NH College, Manchester NH
Foxpro UG "Web site construction using Web Connect for VisualFoxpro" @ MS

February 3, 1998
NE Software Quality Assurance Forum (NESQF) "TESTBytes - generate test data"

February 4, 1998
New England NT Users Group, "NT5 DNS, Win 98 Networking", MS Waltham

February 5, 1998
Visual Basic Professional Users Group, monthly meeting, 5:30, @ MSFT

February 10, 1998
Boston Voice Users Group "Getting Started with Voice Recognition"
Boston OMNIS Users Group, 7:00PM, MIT, Bldg 66, Rm 156
Web-Net Group "Internet: Copyright on the Net" 6:30PM, MIT Rm E51-345
NH Seacoast Mac "Small, but Magnificent Applications" 7 PM, Rye JHS

February 12, 1998 
SQL Server NE Users Group,"Introduction to Transact SQL" 5:30 @ MSFT 

February 16, 1998
Delphi Developers Group "Components & Third Party Tools" 7 PM, Burlington

February 17, 1998
Front Page UG, "Front Page 98 Server Side" 7-9PM  @MSFT

February 19, 1998
GBC/ACM, "Responsive Object-Based Media", 7:00PM, BBN, Cambridge

February 23, 1998
RI Mac Users, "Scanners & Removable Storage Media", 7:00PM, Brown Univ

February 24, 1998 
CONE Monthly meeting "Introduction to the Internet"

March 3, 1998
NE Software Quality Assurance Forum (NESQF) "TBA"

March 4, 1998
New England NT UG "SMS, the next release; Network Mgmt, WBEM", @ MSFT

March 10, 1998  
NH Seacoast Mac "General Help Session" 7 PM, Rye JHS

March 12, 1998
SQL Server NE Users Group, "Creating SQL Server DBs", 5:30 @ MSFT

March 23, 1998
RI Mac Users "Digital Cameras & Printers" 7:00PM, Brown Univ

March 24, 1998  
CONE Monthly meeting "Computer security and/or Y2K"

April 28, 1998  
CONE Monthly meeting "Internet Update"

May 26 1998 
CONE Monthly meeting "Intellectual Property"

Selected Commercial Events:

January 22
Bay Networks Gigabit Routing Switch Seminar, Waltham Westin Hotel

February 26-27
Novell Techshare Seminars - Boston Hynes Auditorium

March 17-20
Meta Data/DAMA(Data Admin Management Ass'n) Seminar,Boston Park Plaza

March 23-26
IDG Internet Commerce Conference and Expo at World Trade Center
Early registration by March 6, 1998

April 8
Xylan: Technology Workshop, Waltham Westin Hotel

April 14-16
DCI Advanced SQL Programming Techniques, Back Bay Hilton
DCI Intranet Applications Seminar, Back Bay Hilton

June 22-24, 1998
The Knowledge Management Conference, Boston, MA

June 23-25
DCI Database Client/Server World
Windows NT Conference & Expo, Boston Hynes Auditorium
DCI Component Directions Conference/Expo

July 7-10
Gignet 98, Boston

Sept 1-3
Year 2000 Test, Strategy, Solutions Conference
DCI Internet Expo 
DCI Java for Profit 

Computer Education:

ACM full day Seminars:
March 14: Concurrent programming in Java 

March 21: Transaction processing overview

April 4: C++ standard library

The North Shore Computer Society has classes posted at
Cambridge Center for Adult Education Call (617) 547-6789 or check the courses available at The Virtually Wired Class list is back at:

Of course, we cannot assume any responsibility for errors, etc... ******************************************************************** Please send information on any other activities for posting here To CONE at ********************************************************************
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Each event description is limited to one line of up to 71 characters to preserve formatting when mailing.

Maintained by Al Sherman
Thanks to Mike Murphy and Jim Nichol for researching events listed here.

Copyright © 1997 & 1998 by the Computer Organizations of New England, Inc.
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