Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 07:40:46 -0400 From: George Capalbo Subject: MINDSTORMS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONTINUES AT BOSTON PDA DEV MEETING JULY 27th AT MIT MINDSTORMS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONTINUES AT BOSTON PDA DEV MEETING JULY 27th AT MIT On Tuesday July 27th at 7:00pm at MIT, room 3-133, the Boston PDA Developers Group presents a forum open to developers of all PDA platforms. Featured at the July meeting is our ongoing series of lectures on developing applications for the PalmPilot PDA. Our goal is to create an open sourced Pilot application that showcases all the pertinent features of the Palm computing platform. The application to be built is a Pilot based Lego MindstormŽ controller. The Boston PDA Developer's Group is an organization of professional and non-professional programmers for various PDA platforms including Pilot and Newton. Our resident cabal of developers, responsible for many well known shareware and vertical applications for Pilot, Newton and other platforms are a ready knowledge base for your PDA development questions. We meet the fourth Tuesday of each month at MIT in Cambridge MA in MIT room 3-133, and welcome developers of all PDA persuasions. For a map and directions to MIT, see the web site of our sister organization, the Boston PDA User's Group at at ---------------------------------------------------------------- George N. Capalbo Boston PDA User's Group ----------------------------------------------------------------