From: Richard Seltzer To: Subject: *CAL* Chat reminder -- the new Internet business environment, Thursday, January 21 Date: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 10:34 AM ***BUSINESS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB -- WHERE WORD OF KEYSTROKE BEGINS*** Please join us this Thursday, January 21 for a continuation of our discussion about the new Web business environment and how to cope. The transcript from our January 7 discussion is now available at I just got back from a marketing conference in San Francisco where I heard from a number of companies that are experimenting in the directions I've been suggesting. For some notes from that and related articles of mine check my newsletter Internet-on-a-Disk at In particular, you might be interested in: "Has the window closed for would-be online trading companies? And is it closing rapidly for other niches as well? Maybe not." and "Playing to win. Suggestions for transferring game techniques to the world of business." Please send your comments and reactions for inclusion with the transcript and/or the newsletter. Please spread the word and join us at, Thursday, noon to 1 PM US Standard Daylight Time = GMT -5. ***NB -- we are now on standard time. That is GMT -5, not -4*** Transcripts of previous sessions are available at Best wishes. Richard Seltzer Internet writer/speaker/consultant/evangelist For details, check PS -- Check the improvements and new directions of the DE Chat Community at and join in on Tuesdays at noon Eastern Time at the site. If you have questions, suggestions or would like to help, please contact Bob Zwick