Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 23:32:32 -0500 From: George Capalbo Subject: PEANUT PRESS PILOT EBOOK DEMO NOV 10TH AT BOSTON PDA USER GROUP MEETING, MIT On Tuesday November 10th at 7pm, MIT room 3-133, the Boston PDA User's Group presents a discussion of general PDA topics of interest to users of all PDA and palmtop platforms. Featured at November's meeting will be a live demo of the new online secure electronic book service for Pilot by Mark Reichelt and Jeff Strobel of Peanut Press. Electronic books are making a big splash this fall, with major rollouts of new services requiring the purchase of proprietary hardware bookreaders. Peanut Press instead plays to the popularity and ubiquitous of the 3Com PalmPilot Pro and Palm III organizers by offering downloadable popular contemporary fiction and nonfiction books for purchase from their website, straight from publisher frontlists. Books are viewed on the Pilot using the Peanut Reader, which displays Peanut Press books that are encrypted to protect the authors' work. For more information about Peanut Press, check out their website at As always, BOSPDAUG's user meeting is free, and open to all users of PDA technology. Our resident team of PDA experts can answer almost any question about the care and feeding of nearly any handheld platform, including Pilot, WinCE and Newton. The Boston PDA User's Group is an organization made up of those who choose to walk freely among us with handheld and palmtop computers. Formed in 1993, its goal is to connect with the hottest and coolest handheld technology. BOSPDAUG meets on the second Tuesday evening of each month at MIT in Cambridge MA in MIT room 3-133 at 7pm, and welcomes users of all PDA platforms for lively discussions of handheld and PDA technologies. For a map and directions to MIT, see our newly expanded website at -------------------------------------------------------------------------- George N. Capalbo General Manager Backbone Networks Corporation P.O. Box 60237, Worcester MA, 01606 Voice: (781) 239-0743 Fax: (508) 370-9721 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------