From: Brian Bay Newsgroups: Subject: MacWoburn November meeting Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 20:48:21 -0500 Please join us for our fall and winter meetings. NOVEMBER MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT November 24 meeting: "What is a web page? How do I build one? Why would I want to?" Neal Carey and Jim Borys will speak about what makes an effective page and describe how to build one. DECEMBER MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT No meeting. JANUARY MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT January 20 meeting: Topic to be determined. MacWoburn is a new user group designed to meet the unique needs of educators, students, and their parents. All levels of computer users are welcome and will find these meetings helpful. Meetings will be held at 7PM at St. Charles School in Woburn. We will meet in the Upper Building on the 3rd floor. All MacWoburn meetings will be held at this site. We look forward to your attendance and suggestions. Please share this information to your friends and colleagues. All meetings are free of charge and run from 7PM to 9PM. -- Brian Bay icq# 7325144