----- Forwarded by Kathleen Lynch/Norwell/RRI on 07/03/98 12:12 PM ---- Kathleen Lynch 07/02/98 02:42 PM Subject: previous copy had typo --July 8, 1998 - New England Notes & Domino SIG meeting - NEW HOURS NEW ENGLAND NOTES & DOMINO SIG Meetings held at IBM's Waltham Office IBM Solution Partnership Center - East 404 Wyman Street (NORTH Entrance) Waltham, MA Wednesday, July 8, 1998 6:30 - 9:15PM NEW HOURS TOPIC: -- "Messaging Infrastructure: The SoftLinx Solution" presented by Andrew Buckley, SoftLinx Many corporations are presently rolling out strategic IT plans which will incorporate all aspects of the messaging infrastructure, i.e.: voice, email and fax messaging. There is a lot of confusion generated as a result of the many seemingly similar product offerings available to them. A "generic" overview of the problem will be presented, and SoftLinx's solution to the problem. EARLY SPEAKER: Chris Brown, Technical Director, Wincap Software on " Wincap for Domino" Wincap automatically and graphically models components such as replication servers and databases but also interrelationships such as the replication scheme of a database, its managers, or the relations between an organizational unit, group(s), or member(s). AGENDA 6:30 WELCOME -- General Announcements 7:25 LOOKING AHEAD -- Upcoming speakers and organizational updates 7:30 PRESENTATION -- "Messaging Infrastructure: The SoftLinx Solution" presented by Andrew Buckley, SoftLinx 8:30 CLINIC - Q&A -- Bring your Lotus Notes questions and we'll share answers and problems. 9:15 ADJOURNMENT NOTE**** Meetings are held on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month! Early Speaker to begin at 6:30pm Tentative future meetings: August 12,1998, "Enterprise Integration: Web and Client/Server"- Lauren Wendel, Lotus Early speaker: SIG Member: Carl Fink, GroupSoft - -Helpdesk software September 9, 1998, " R 5.0 ", Mary Peterson, Lotus Early Speaker: Arthur Souza, Director of Product Management, Epicon October 14, 1998 TENTATIVE Net Object Fusion and Domino NEWS**** NEWS**** NEWS**** NEWS**** NEWS**** New Hours! By starting a little earlier we'll be able to accommodate TWO speakers. Early speaker preference is given to members who wish to speak about their products, projects, companies. Post meeting conflabs continue at Bertucci's Stay tuned to: http://www.seneschal.com/nenotes for meeting schedules and, in the near future, other useful information. SPECIAL: An arrangement of 10% off for books, by mentioning membership in NE DOMINO & NOTES SIG has been made with SoftPro, 112 Mall Road, Burlington MA 01830-5300, Phone 617/273-2499, http://www.softproeast.com They have an excellent selection of books for computer and programming professionals. Located across the road from the Sears end of the Burlington Mall, next to the mall containing Tower Records and Barnes & Noble. ********** MISSION: Our purpose is to create and exchange resources for professional development around Lotus Notes, Domino, and related groupware, internetworks, client/server, and information technology tools. The special interest group is actively involved in education about new products and techniques, applications of technology, sharing leads and prospects, providing access to resources, and leveraging training opportunities. We serve professionals throughout the New England community, through regular meetings as well as events, classes, shows, and affiliations with computer societies. NE DOMINO & NOTES SIG LEADERS * Holly Campbell, SIG Director, 617-566-6140, hcampbell@world.std.com * Dennis Ravenelle, SigNet Representative, 508-651-9738, dgr@world.std.com * Brian Gordon, Notes Server Administrator, bgordon@lnfoimage.com * Kathleen Lynch, Program Chair, 617-577-7929, linchpin@juno.com * Jim Bueche, Notes Consultant, 617-527-2841, jbueche@enertex.com * Kevin Fallon, Notes Consultant, 781-229-0820, kfallon@seneschal.com DIRECTIONS TO IBM WALTHAM: >From the North -- Go South on Rte. 128/I95 to exit 28 (Trapelo Road). Go left off the exit onto Trapelo Road. At first set of lights, turn right onto Smith Street (Smith Street changes to Wyman Street). Approximately 1/4 mile on the right is IBM - 404 Wyman Street North. Park in garage and enter building, Sign in, and ask security guard for the IBM Solution Partnership Center - East. >From the South -- Go north on Rte. 128/I95 to exit 27B (Winter Street/Wyman Street exit). At lights turn left onto Wyman Street. Approximately 3/4 mile on your left is IBM - 404 Wyman Street North (NORTH ENTRANCE WITH IBM LOGO). Park in garage and enter building, Sign in, and ask security guard for the IBM Solution Partnership Center - East.