From: Jul 07/27/15 7:31 AM Subject: NEJUG Meeting ( Wed, Aug 12): New Features in Java 8 From: Stevel Lintz The next general meeting of the NEJUG is coming up in about two weeks and you are very welcome to attend. All you need to do is register then show up for the meeting, relax and absorb. Come by a bit early, and you'll have time for pizza and sodas - fully sponsored by Constant Contact (who also provide our excellent meeting facility). Register now to reserve your seat This month we'll be following our standard "90 Minute Full Presentation" format, as outlined here: 5:00 - Doors open for pre-meeting socializing (and seat claiming) 5:30 - Pizza, enough for two slices per person 6:00 - Start of Meeting (*) Welcome and NEJUG Announcements 6:10 - Announcements from the floor > upcoming events, e.g. workshops, meetings, space launches > job announcements - real jobs from real people (not head-hunter trolling) 6:20 - Lightning Talk 6:30 - Main Speaker (part 1) 7:15 - Break 7:30 - Main Speaker (part 2) 8:15 - Wrap Up & Q/A 8:45 - Adjourn - Clean Up & Get Out (*) (*) All but the start and end times are approximate, depending on the flow of the meeting. Register now to reserve your seat Title: New Features in Java 8 Presenter: TBD - NFJS Speaker Location: Constant Contact Date: Wed, Aug 12 Presentation Overview: Java 8 is the biggest change to the Java language ever. The addition of lambdas, functional interfaces, and streams fundamentally changes the programming model for applications. This talk summarizes those changes, along with optionals, method references, and other new features of the language. Demonstrations will include the map/filter/reduce mechanism, the streaming API, how to write functional interfaces, predicates, suppliers, consumers, method references, default methods in interfaces, optionals, and more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This month's meeting is on a WEDNESDAY, due to an activity conflict with our site host, Constant Contact, who were very gracious about rescheduling one day earlier than normal to August 12. In all other respects, this is a regular meeting - although there's nothing "regular" about our excellent NFJS speaker! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speaker Background: Ken Kousen is the President of Kousen IT, Inc., through which he does technical training, mentoring, and consulting in all areas related to Java, specializing in Android, Spring, Hibernate/JPA, Groovy, and Grails. He is the author of the Manning book “Making Java Groovy” and the upcoming O'Reilly book “Gradle for Android”. In 2013 he won a JavaOne Rock Star award. Over the past decade he has taught thousands of developers in business and industry. In addition to owning several technical certifications, his academic background includes two BS degrees from M.I.T., an MS and a Ph.D. from Princeton, and an MS in Computer Science from R.P.I. We look forward to seeing you on Wed, Aug 12. Stevel Lintz NEJUG President