Date: Nov 11/07/14 4:06 PM Subject: Next week NEJUG meeting ( (Thu, Nov 13) ) - Signup now. From: Stevel Lintz Next week, on Thu, Nov 13, the NEJUG meeting is closing the 2014 season with an avanced topic double header! First up is Morgan Creighton presenting Concurrent Programming in Java 8, followed after the break by Seckin Tozlu presenting Application Level Metrics. Details for both speakers and their topics are below and also available at our website, In addition to our top billed speakers, we will also have a Lightning Talk presentation from our membership, community announcements, job opportunities, and plenty of time for professional and social networking. Don't forget that we don't have December meetings, so get your NEJUG fix this month to carry you through the holidays! Doors will open at 5pm for networking, pizza and soda provided by Constant Contact will arrive around 5:30pm, and the meeting will begin promptly at 6pm. Come early to meet someone new and to ensure you get a good seat. Register now to reserve your seat As always, I want to take a moment to thank our primary sponsors: Special thanks to Constant Contact for pizza, beverages, and a wonderful meeting location Contegix for hosting our website Topic: Concurrent Programming in Java 8 // Application Level Metrics Presenter: Morgan Creighton // Seckin Tozlu Location: Constant Contact Presentation Overview: NEJUG is finishing up the 2014 season with an Advanced Topics Double Feature. First up will we'll have Concurrent Programming in Java 8, followed after the break with our second presentation on Application Level Metrics. Concurrent Programming in Java 8, by Morgan Creighton Concurrent Programming is notoriously hard. But is it difficult because humans aren't very smart, or because we often use the wrong abstractions to program concurrent systems? Java 8 brings greater expressiveness to the language, and allows concurrent programs to be more readable and reasonable. This talk introduces a few concurrent programming paradigms, and offers a deep dive into Deterministic Dataflow, which allows sequential algorithms to be systematically parallelized. We'll learn how choosing the right abstraction in a functional language allows us to pare away extrinsic complexity, and make concurrent programming pleasant. Application Level Metrics, by Seckin Tozlu This presentation will introduce the concept of "Measure Anything, Measure Everything" and the technology that can be leveraged for its implementation in Java using statsD and its Java library, Graphite and Grafana. Following Etsy’s Measure Anything, Measure Everything mantra, we’ll show how to diagnose issues before they have a major negative impact on customers, encouraging developers to take ownership of their code by making trivial code changes to add application-level instrumentation. Application metrics are usually the hardest, yet most important, of the three metrics categories (which also include network & machines). They’re very specific to your business, and they change as your applications change. Their value is immense and we will show how they can be implemented easily and leveraged by all. We’ll discuss the impact of application-level metrics, the software used, custom implementations, their current shortcomings and the future of monitoring & alerting. Event Speakers: Morgan Creighton (presenting Concurrent Programming in Java 8) is a software enthusiast and dynamic speaker who enjoys programming on the JVM and elsewhere. Java 8 is his nth favorite programming language, and affords him the chance to share cool ideas about concurrency. Morgan's interest in this topic was sparked some twenty years ago, while developing novel algorithms for signal processing on parallel architectures. He has spent the intervening years unlearning how to program, and hopes than in a few decades he may finally get it right. Morgan is also an instructor at Harvard University Extension School, where he co-teaches the upcoming Concurrent Programming in Scala course with Nermin Serifovic. Seckin Tozlu (presenting Application Level Metrics) received his Computer Science and Engineering degree from Hacettepe University in Turkey in 2011 and promptly joined ROAM Data, a Boston startup, which was then acquired by European payment giant Ingenico. About a year and a half ago he joined Constant Contact, where he is a Java software engineer, working on the image library. He likes keeping up with the latest technology in our field, learning new tools and languages and creating better software using code quality and real time monitoring tools. Register now to reserve your seat I hope to see you there! Stevel Lintz NEJUG President