Subject: [GNHLUG] CentraLUG, 4-Feb-2008: David Berube, Introduction to Ruby on Rails Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:56:14 -0500 From: Ted Roche The monthly meeting of CentraLUG, the Concord/Central NH GNHLUG chapter, happens the first Monday of most months at the New Hampshire Technical Institute's Library, room 146, at 7 PM. Next month's meeting is on February 4th at 7 PM. Directions and maps are available at Open to the public. Free admission. Tell your friends. At this meeting, David Berube will be presenting an Introduction to Ruby on Rails. About the presentation ---------------------- David Berube, author of "Practical Ruby Gems" and the "Practical Reporting with Ruby and Rails", will discuss the basics of Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Rails - often call Ruby on Rails - helps you create web applications. It's a scalable web database framework; it uses ActiveRecord as its data source, so it's able to use a number of different database backends, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. (ActiveRecord was originally part of Rails. You can find out more about ActiveRecord in the ActiveRecord gem recipe.) In fact, Ruby on Rails is arguable more than just a web framework - it's a phenomenon. It won a Jolt Software Development Productivity award in 2006, and a remarkable number of technology startups are either switching to Ruby on Rails or are starting with Ruby on Rails software as a cornerstone of their business plan. About David -------------- Berube is a Ruby developer, trainer, author, and speaker. He’s used both Ruby and Ruby on Rails for several years, starting in 2003 when he became a Ruby advocate after he wrote about the language for Dr Dobb's Journal. Prior to this he worked professionally with PHP, Perl, C++, and Visual Basic. His professional accomplishments include creating the Ruby on Rails engine for (, a site that tracks the latest Ruby developments, and working with ThoughtBot ( on the Rails engine that powers Sermo America's Top Doctor contest. Additionally, he has worked on several other Ruby projects, including the engine powering CyberKnowHow's BirdFluBreakingNews search engine, and he also created the Slueshi text adventure game system, a multiplayer text game engine written in Ruby. David's journalism has been in print in over 65 countries, in magazines such as Linux Magazine, Dr Dobb's Journal, and PHP International Magazine. He's also taught college courses and spoken publicly on topics such as "MySQL and You" and "Making Money with Open Source Software." He lives in New Hampshire and his hobbies include basketball, yo-yos, and sleep. As always, meetings are subject to change. You are encouraged to join the low-traffic announcement list at to get announcement and cancellation information.