From: Capalbo George Nicholas Subject: Getting ready for iPhone at BOSPDAUG JUNE 26th at MIT Date: Monday, June 25, 2007 08:56:58 PM Getting ready for iPhone at BOSPDAUG JUNE 26th at MIT On Tuesday June 26th at 7pm, MIT room 3-133, the Boston PDA User's Group presents a discussion of general and unexpected PDA topics. The meeting is free, and open to all users of handheld and PDA technology. There is a strange glow eminating from Cupertino and slowly spreading across the nation as the June 29th iPhone launch date approaches. The frenzy around the iPhone is only going to get bigger as the week rolls on. BOSPDAUG has its finger on the pulse of the iPhone phenomenon, and will have the latest details, strategies if you want one this weekend and all the latest juice from the far corners of the interweb. Important note: The bospdaug event scheduled for June 26th has been delayed for 2 weeks. Details at the meeting. As always, our resident team of PDA experts has its finger on the pulse of the evolving pda-smartphone convergence. We can answer almost any question about the care and feeding of nearly any handheld platform, including iPhone, Pilot, Symbian, Danger, Nokia, Pocket PC and Newton. The Boston PDA User's Group is an organization made up of those who choose to walk freely among us with handheld, palmtop and wireless computers. Formed in 1992, its goal is to connect with the newest and coolest mobile computer technology. BOSPDAUG meets on the second Tuesday evening of each month at MIT in Cambridge MA in MIT room 3-133 at 7pm, and welcomes users of all PDA platforms for lively discussions of handheld and PDA technologies. For a map and directions to MIT 3-133, see the map below, or check out our website at