From: Subject: Tuesday Meeting Date: Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:44 PM Event: BizProd User Group Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 Time: 7pm Location: Microsoft, 201 Jones Rd., Waltham, MA Topic: Microsoft Word Clinic This is a very popular session we hold once a year. Most people are "too busy" getting their jobs done to invest a small amount of time learning the fundamentals of Microsoft Word. In this session we cover numerous time saving and grief reducning techniques that save time and reduce grief in composing and maintaining your Word documents. You are encouraged to bring your copies of some of your own documents for us to use as samples for our discussion. This is an interactive session. Questions (non-esoteric) from the attendees are encouraged. As a bonus, since we did not do our door-prize drawing last month, we are doubling the number of items to four for this month's drawing.