Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 10:11:24 -0400 From: Dan Jacobs Subject: WebTech 6/17/03 6pm at Sun - JAXB Hi everyone. I hope you're all enjoying the Spring! This month's WebTech meeting will be held at Sun Microsystems in Burlington, on Tuesday June 17th, starting at 6pm. Please note the different place and time. Details about the meeting and directions to Sun in Burlington are available on the website at This month's presentation will be on JAXB, the Java Architecture for XML Binding, and will be presented by Joseph Fialli who was the specification lead for JAXB 1.0. Joe will just be back from JavaOne to give this presentation, and we're very fortunate to to have him as our guest at WebTech. JAXB is an important Java technology for using XML more easily in many kinds of applications. It's designed to eliminate several common problems of using XML in Java applications, and may be the technology you need now. So mark your calendars, and don't forget about the different location for the meeting. I hope to see you there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract: This presentation covers JSR 31, Java(TM) Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) developed in the Java Community Process. Data binding makes XML easy to use in programs by compiling an XML Schema into one or more JavaBean classes. The JAXB architecture provides the following operations on the schema-derived classes. - Unmarshal XML content to a JavaBean graph. - Validation of the JavaBean graph based on the schema specified constraints. - Marshal the JavaBean graph back to a native XML form. JAXB technology automates the tedious and often brittle task of using SAX or DOM to populate an application's representation for XML content. The presentation provides an overview of the architecture, a code example and future features under consideration. To download the latest JAXB standard implementation, see . About the speaker: Joseph Fialli is a Senior Staff Enginner at Sun Microsystems for the past 6 years. Currently, he is working on the next version of JAXB. Previously within Sun, he was the specification lead for JAXB v1.0, lead architect for Java Message Service API v1.0.2 and added enhancements to Java serialization within the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 1.2. In previous positions, he has developed features for a commercial C++ object database and an Ada compiler.