Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 17:00:42 -0500 From: Paul Lussier Subject: MELBA Meeting TOMORROW at Martha's Exchange 19:00 Who: Paul Iadonisi What: All that is RPM (or at least what he can get between heckles directed at Ben ;) When: 19:00 (Dinner 18:00) Where: Martha's Exchange, 2nd floor Why: Beer, Linux, Heckling Ben, what more reason do we need? Directions to Martha's available at: Please RSVP, and let me know how many you are RSVP'ing for! RSVP: Either click on the link below: or send mail to plussier + rsvp at mindspring dot com with a Subject line of: Subject: 27 Mar 2002 Number: Thanks! -- Paul Lussier Senior Systems and Network Engineer Co-Chairman, Greater New Hampshire Linux User's Group (GNHLUG) Chairman, Nashua Chapter GNHLUG Events: ***************************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug-announce' in the message body. *****************************************************************