From: "Donna Rae" Subject: Enterprise Applications User Group Meeting - 6/11/2002 Date: Monday, June 10, 2002 11:25 AM Meeting of: The Enterprise Applications User Group Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 Time: 6:00 pm for Pizza Social, Meeting: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm **************************************************************************** Hello Everyone, The Enterprise User Group is going to try a new approach for the user group. At our last meeting, it was suggested that we open discussion up to why large software development projects are successful and why they are not. This group is dedicated to enterprise applications and no one subject is more important to the success of large projects then what mistakes cause failure. Anyone who has gone through a large project knows that regardless of what type of application or what languages you are developing in, the critical points of failure are the same. To address this issue we are going to break the user group into two parts. The first part is discussion of previous development projects and what caused failure and what caused success. This will be a candid discussion and will require everyone to participate. We are not looking to single anyone out or to blame anyone, we are looking to all learn from other people's experiences. The second part of the of the discussion will be about new projects that are under development. We can explore these projects as a group and see if the project is heading down the wrong road or headed for success. This part will also require the entire group to participate and to bring their ideas and current projects to the group. This could be a very useful exercise for everyone involved, but only if everyone participates. This month we will discuss the two parts of the discussion and how we want it work as a group. If anyone has successes, failures or future projects they would like to discuss, bring them with you... ********************************************************************************* Tomorrow night's meeting will start at 6:00 pm with pizza for all at the Luna Systems Headquarters in North Andover, MA. Please visit our website for directions we look forward to seeing you. ***PLEASE RSVP TO DONNAR@LUNASYSTEMS.COM IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING NEXT WEEK'S MEETING. WE ARE TRYING TO GET A HEAD COUNT FOR PIZZA. MANY THANKS!*** *************************************************************************************************** Rick Lunetta President Luna Systems Corporation (978) 327-6400 __________________