Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 12:47:28 EST From: Subject: Central LUG, Wednesday Feb. 14, 7 pm. People, This Wednesday is the meeting of the Central NH LUG. Bruce Dawson is presenting on "Linux Based Collaboration Tools". This will be in Concord, @ 6 Louden Road. Sybase is letting us use their meeting room on the 4th floor. I will be putting out another announcement in the next day or two. It will have more precise directions. Bob Sparks Never attribute to malice, that which can be explained by stupidity. Never attribute to stupidity, that which can be explained by lack of information. ********************************************************** To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the following text in the *body* (*not* the subject line) of the letter: unsubscribe gnhlug-announce **********************************************************