Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 09:41:23 -0500 From: fpugadmin Subject: November 21st FrontPage meeting Has your web site reached the "Flash" point yet? +++++++++++++++ Please join us next Tuesday the 21st, when our guest speaker will be Abel Lenz, founder and user experience strategist at New Tilt, Inc. -- a Boston-based strategic experience design company. Abel will address what makes a business Web site thrive, or go bust, and the pros and cons of using Flash for your site. A experienced designer, strategist and founder of New Tilt, Inc, Abel has spent his entire career in the world of interactive design. He has combined his education in graphic design with extensive experience implementing web projects to develop a unique perspective on interface design. Driven by a compulsion to make the web easy for people, he believes interface should reflect a balance between user needs and business goals. Some examples of his work include,,, and Darwin Magazine ( +++++++++++++++ Also, from our friends at Microsoft MindShare, we have software and technical information to give away. How will we determine who will get the software? Brush up on your trivia or at the very least take good notes during Abel's presentation, we'll let him decide! +++++++++++++++ Hope to see you next Tuesday, back at Microsoft in Waltham at 6:30PM. Tom Lee, Jr. Chairman, Boston FrontPage User Group