From: "John C Shockey" Subject: MacTechGrp Meeting - August 2, 2000 Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 3:25 PM Straight from the keyboard of our fearless leader, Owen: MacTechGrp Meeting August 2, 2000 7-9PM Room 395 Bldg E51 MIT Sloan School Our meeting's speaker this month is Peter Sichel, head of Sustainable Softworks and Author of IPNetRouter, IPNetMonitor, and OT Tuner, whose topic is: Pushing the Parameters of TCP/IP Networking We like to think of networking as a black box that moves data from place to place transparently hiding the details of the underlying networks. This is in fact the purpose of the TCP/IP protocol suite. But in the real world, network implementations and characteristics vary widely. TCP/IP has dozens of tunable parameters to optimize for different situations. Peter Sichel has spent the last four years adding knobs, switches, and gauges to TCP/IP under Macintosh Open Transport to learn how it really works and develop a software NAT firewall router including a DHCP server. This presentation will review some of the more interesting results and discuss future TCP/IP networking issues. The usual suspects will be rounded up for exciting Macintosh jabbering, of the sort you love, and we hope you'll participate. Please bring your whole mind, a quart of jabber, and any Macintosh news, questions, or rumors to MIT building E51 Wednesday night, and let there be dancing in the streets, drinking in the saloons and necking in the parlor. Note: The room number is 395, but we often move to a room with a better projector, so 395 is often just a pointer to our real address. I always write the real room number on the blackboard in 395, so just dereference that. You can get a map showing building E51 at You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (excepting Alice). The MacTechGrp always meets the first Wednesday of the month. Post no bills. You can get more information on the MacTechGrp (and undoubtedly out of date meeting information) at To contact the unindicted co-conspirators irresponsible for this group, email or Set your subject line to "Make Money Fast!!!!!!" so we'll know it's you. *** Do you aspire to someday speak before the august MacTechGrp? Whether you're a new programmer or an old pro, you probably have something interesting you could tell the rest of the group. Fear not, your lucky day could be at hand. Send an email to with your proposed topic.***